суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

charles frace king charles spaniels

Ever since I got a computer and discovered Microsoft Word on it, Iapos;ve been starting to write novels and never finishing them.� I always have this great idea for a story, but it gets messed up.� Either I get better ideas and end up changing the whole plot, or just getting such terrible writerapos;s block up to a point where I canapos;t even write anymore.� And it sucks, because I really want to write at least one good story.� A solid story with a moral in the end.� I want the reader to feel how I felt when I was writing it.��I donapos;t think that would be such a good idea though, considering Iapos;m usually angry when I write.� Actually, I only write when Iapos;m angry or confused or just have a�lot of things�on�my mind.� Iapos;m sure�Iapos;ve mentioned that on here, like a billion times.� I�canapos;t seem to write when Iapos;m feeling anything...positive.� Which is kinda, really sad.�
Iapos;m officially making it one of my life goals to write a novel and get it published...before I die, or at least before I turn 50.� Itapos;s going to be a challenge, but I will get it done.� My motivation?� No idea.�

On a different note...I would like to take this opportunity to (Iapos;m so sorry, I just watched more than�10 episodes of The Office, I feel like Michael Scott right now, and I really want to shoot myself) talk about the one thing that currently seems to be on every girlapos;s mind: BOYS.

Boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys.� Girls, weapos;re surrounded by them.� Weapos;re friends with them, we like them, we hate them, we pretty much revolve our lives around them.� Especially at this age because us singles, weapos;re just so desperate to find a decent boy.� I donapos;t know why we have to do it NOW.� Weapos;re still so young, for goodness sakes� If we commit now, who knows what kind of fun weapos;ll be missing?� I know this because Iapos;ve been in that situation, where I was with somebody, and I focused all my attention on him and forgot about everything else.� I missed hanging out with my friends because everytime I went out, it was with him.� I didnapos;t focus on anyone elseapos;s problems but my own.� So I guess thatapos;s why Iapos;m trying to regain everything back now.� Iapos;m trying to help people out with their problems from what Iapos;ve learned from experience, but none of them really listen to me.� Itapos;s their choice, but if they end up getting hurt in the end, which I donapos;t like seeing for obvious reasons, I canapos;t not say "I told you so", because I did.� Truth is, most guys function the same way.� They all end up hurting us so why waste our time WAITING for them?� If they donapos;t wait for us, why should we?� One of my friends once said to me, "a good relationship is about a fair balance of give and take" (those werenapos;t his exact words, but they were somewhere along those lines).� I guess I realized that a bit too late but ever since then, those words have been stuck to my head like glue.� It is so true.� If we just give and give and give, and never get anything back, itapos;s not really a healthy relationship is it?� We come off as clingy and needy.� Not such a good thing.� And if we just take and take and take, then it comes off as being too demanding.� We never really win, do we?

Basically, guys were put on this world to screw us over.� Itapos;s either we love them or we hate them.� If weapos;re friends with them, they mould our minds into dirty ones.� They treat us one of them or they just completely ignore us.�Life was just so much simpler back when we didnapos;t have all this boy drama.� Personally, Iapos;m glad that I donapos;t like anyone at the moment.� I just feel better.� I mean, I still have a lot of guy friends, but I see them all as brothers.� Well not all, apos;cause that would just be really weird, but you know what I mean.� One day, maybe, Iapos;ll get interested in a guy I met or start to get interested in someone Iapos;ve known for sometime now, but Iapos;m in no way in a rush.� Iapos;m gonna let things just run its course.� If I end up liking someone and then maybe Iapos;ll do something about it, but since I donapos;t, Iapos;m not going to go out and look for a guy.� Thatapos;s just pathetic. :)

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