суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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This week we have proved that I truly have no shame. I have nothing to lose for all my dignity is long gone. From wearing a Spongebob costume to school to posting my most reveal and embarassing blog EVER. Now Iapos;ve realizedhow shameless I am and am trying to figure out a way I�can channel it into evangilism. The biggest thing that stops Christians is fear. Well I pretty much conquered all my social fears this week. Even if Iapos;m still getting over them...Iapos;m not sure if I will get over some ofthem but w/e. Life goes on brah. I guess I have no shame so I should use it to talk to people about God more. Thatapos;s what this blog is about. So I was just reminding you before I�close shop.

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Ever since I got a computer and discovered Microsoft Word on it, Iapos;ve been starting to write novels and never finishing them.� I always have this great idea for a story, but it gets messed up.� Either I get better ideas and end up changing the whole plot, or just getting such terrible writerapos;s block up to a point where I canapos;t even write anymore.� And it sucks, because I really want to write at least one good story.� A solid story with a moral in the end.� I want the reader to feel how I felt when I was writing it.��I donapos;t think that would be such a good idea though, considering Iapos;m usually angry when I write.� Actually, I only write when Iapos;m angry or confused or just have a�lot of things�on�my mind.� Iapos;m sure�Iapos;ve mentioned that on here, like a billion times.� I�canapos;t seem to write when Iapos;m feeling anything...positive.� Which is kinda, really sad.�
Iapos;m officially making it one of my life goals to write a novel and get it published...before I die, or at least before I turn 50.� Itapos;s going to be a challenge, but I will get it done.� My motivation?� No idea.�

On a different note...I would like to take this opportunity to (Iapos;m so sorry, I just watched more than�10 episodes of The Office, I feel like Michael Scott right now, and I really want to shoot myself) talk about the one thing that currently seems to be on every girlapos;s mind: BOYS.

Boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys.� Girls, weapos;re surrounded by them.� Weapos;re friends with them, we like them, we hate them, we pretty much revolve our lives around them.� Especially at this age because us singles, weapos;re just so desperate to find a decent boy.� I donapos;t know why we have to do it NOW.� Weapos;re still so young, for goodness sakes� If we commit now, who knows what kind of fun weapos;ll be missing?� I know this because Iapos;ve been in that situation, where I was with somebody, and I focused all my attention on him and forgot about everything else.� I missed hanging out with my friends because everytime I went out, it was with him.� I didnapos;t focus on anyone elseapos;s problems but my own.� So I guess thatapos;s why Iapos;m trying to regain everything back now.� Iapos;m trying to help people out with their problems from what Iapos;ve learned from experience, but none of them really listen to me.� Itapos;s their choice, but if they end up getting hurt in the end, which I donapos;t like seeing for obvious reasons, I canapos;t not say "I told you so", because I did.� Truth is, most guys function the same way.� They all end up hurting us so why waste our time WAITING for them?� If they donapos;t wait for us, why should we?� One of my friends once said to me, "a good relationship is about a fair balance of give and take" (those werenapos;t his exact words, but they were somewhere along those lines).� I guess I realized that a bit too late but ever since then, those words have been stuck to my head like glue.� It is so true.� If we just give and give and give, and never get anything back, itapos;s not really a healthy relationship is it?� We come off as clingy and needy.� Not such a good thing.� And if we just take and take and take, then it comes off as being too demanding.� We never really win, do we?

Basically, guys were put on this world to screw us over.� Itapos;s either we love them or we hate them.� If weapos;re friends with them, they mould our minds into dirty ones.� They treat us one of them or they just completely ignore us.�Life was just so much simpler back when we didnapos;t have all this boy drama.� Personally, Iapos;m glad that I donapos;t like anyone at the moment.� I just feel better.� I mean, I still have a lot of guy friends, but I see them all as brothers.� Well not all, apos;cause that would just be really weird, but you know what I mean.� One day, maybe, Iapos;ll get interested in a guy I met or start to get interested in someone Iapos;ve known for sometime now, but Iapos;m in no way in a rush.� Iapos;m gonna let things just run its course.� If I end up liking someone and then maybe Iapos;ll do something about it, but since I donapos;t, Iapos;m not going to go out and look for a guy.� Thatapos;s just pathetic. :)

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finally a proper weekend is here...for me

im back from penang..the 2nd trip back to melacca was crazy...as we travelled down to ipoh and penang in our pathetic mini vans...its like going on a road trip..we got to stop and link up..thank goodness to the creation of ipod..and thank goodness i can sleep anywhere and anytime..haha

anyway i have to make a 3rd trip back to penang for my last 3 days of shoot..yeah ya eyes are not playing tricks..neither is my hands playing tricks...who expected that i would be the last one to wrap overseas...what the hell..

whatever it is...29th oct come quick i cant wait for this thing to be over its a mental torture.. Well im left with 2 days shoot in lovely singapore and 3 days shoot in penang...thou im missing some of the people over there...but...still i dreading to go over...

however...im going to enjoy my precious weekends to the max..

i gonna relax and chill...and make myself happy =) =) =)

back with more photos fr the 2nd trip in my next post k

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Im scared like fuck fuck fuck. I dont want to retain ohmygoddddd. Idk how am i supposed to tell my mum that if its confirmed. Im just hoping for a miracle to happen.�please the feeling sucks alot when you see your friends get promoted and you have to stay in that level for another year. I dont blame anyone, i blame myself for all this shits. Ohmygod i really wish i could turn back time. I cant sleep well, i kept thinking abt it, i kept thinking how embarrassed tht it would be.
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dialing international calls on cellphone help

Thereapos;s a new cyborg-chick in town, and her name is Iji The is the title character of Daniel Remarapos;s freeware game, just released after toiling for four years of Game Maker, of all things And the effort shows. Ohhhhhh, does the effort show. This game is jam-packed with subplots, strategy and other secrets - it may very well be the best freeware game ever made to date.

There are two ways to go through the game. I�tried the "pacifist"�way from the get-go, but it seems the limitations are far smaller than I�thought. Still, this is wicked fun.
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Angelina Jolie told Matt Lauer on the Today show this morning that she and Brad Pitt are already considering another adoption. Will you please just give us a break?

Speaking to the host about her new movie The Changeling, Jolie nodded yes when Lauer asked her if she was thinking of adopting soon. She then must have realized she'd end up on every celebrity blog in the known Interverse, because she tried to switch the subject.

"You can't even start the process until any new children are six months old, to understand how the new family has settled," she said, noting 3-month-old twins Vivienne and Knox.

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